[Join us:for sharing a heartful cool gift to your loved one]

How to pass on love to our loved ones? Use high-quality Pulpage tissue. Give them the best of the best.

[加入我們:給你摯愛的禮物] 送上什麼來回饋摯愛?高品質的Pulpage紙巾,為摯愛送上最好的禮物。

Join us to spread love around:

1. Like Pulpage Facebook AND follow Pulpage Instagram @pulpagetissue
2. Share the feed to your facebook and set it to open, add #pulpagetissue to your message.
3. Leave comment, “There’s a PULPAGE promotion campaign in #Yata TKO!” at our feed and tag 3 friends.
4. You will have chance to gain a free Pulpage gift box!
1. 讚好 Pulpage Facebook 專頁 及 Follow Pulpage IG @pulpagetissue
2. 分享本貼文至你的FB (設定為公開) 並在信息加上#Pulpagetissue
3. 回應本FB,在回應寫上 “將軍澳一田有PULPAGE推廣活動” 並Tag 3位朋友
4. 你將有機會獲贈Pulpage禮盒乙份
Promotion periods:
1st round: from now until 15/8/2019 13:00
2nd round: 20/8-22/8/2019 13:00

第二輪-2019年8月20日至22日 13:00

Redemption periods:
1st round: 16/8-19/8/2019 12:00-20:00
2nd round: 23/8-26/8/2019 12:00-20:00

第一輪-2019年8月16日至19日 12:00-20:00
第二輪-2019年8月23日至26日 12:00-20:00

Venue for redemption: Yata in Tseung Kwan O

Daily quota is applied. Participants have to fulfill the above requirements to join it on first come, first serve basis.
An inbox message will be sent to winners for redemption on 15/8 and 22/8.

得獎者將於8月15日及 8月22日收到FB訊息通知領獎安排。

*Pulpage reserves the right to update these terms and conditions from time to time in our sole discretion and without prior notice.
*In the case of any dispute, Pulpage reserves the right of final decision in connection with these terms and conditions.

Revolution in Style 紙根革命
Stay tuned with us:www.pulpage.com.hk
Follow us: www.instagram.com/pulpagetissue
YouTube: https://bit.ly/2ufpyyT