Good things come when you least expect them.
Pulpage products which are selling at the ishopdea pop-up store at Moko, will extend to the end of November. 15% off for purchases of $400 or above. An online shop promo is offered to every combo set purchase. Pulpage believes that everyone deserves to get a taste of the natural touch of our 100% bamboo pulp tissue.
Pulpage產品於Ishopdea Moko期間限定店的各種折扣優惠將延長至11月底。買
Date:Up to 直至30/11/2019
Time:11 am – 9 pm
Venue: MOKO 新世紀廣場 L1
MOKO Pop! pop-up store:
I’m not extraordinary, but just a limited edition.
Pulpage’s campaign in #YATA to share a gift to your loved one has ended already! We hope every participants can give the high-quality Pulpage tissue to your loved one as you’ve wished. Thank you for the massive responses from you! Stay tuned.
#Pulpage brings in the power of youth! Since February, the Pulpage joins hands with #University design students to create revolutionary, refreshing designs for our 100% bamboo pulp products with special emphasis on the earth friendly concepts.
so happy to witness the fruitful outcomes of all our little super future design masters
Thanks for HKSDA, Create HK, HKEA and all the experienced judges~ We’ll surely keep the spirit up~
Hey~ The award tour was kickstarted~ Come on tomorrow, the same time, we will be at Hong Kong Houseware Fair again, come to say Hi!