#Pulpage 100% Bamboo Pulp Tissue uses fast-growing bamboo as raw material to
save lots of trees. Just joining our #freetrials, we can work together in
promoting love and saving our earth. [給你和地球的禮物]
#Pulpage 100% 竹漿紙巾從源頭開始實踐環保概念,以快速生長的竹子為原料,拯救大量樹木。現只需訂取我們的 #免費試用裝,就能一起為環保付上一分力量。讓我們一起宣揚愛和拯救地球。
Finish a few steps at Pulpage facebook / instagram post to get a free trial
1) Follow pulpagetissue at instagram (Set public)
2) Tag three friends on the post and share (Set public)
3) Fill in the form below: https://www.pulpage.com.hk/#giving
於Instagram 完成幾個步就可以獲得 #免費試用裝。
1. 追蹤 Pulpagetissue Instagram (設定為公開)
2. 於Instagram帖文邀請最少3位朋友一起參加及分享此帖文 (設定為公開)
3. 填寫表格:https://www.pulpage.com.hk/#giving —-
– Period:1/3/2019 18:00 to 15/3/2019 14:00
-Limited quota. First come first served for those who have finished the steps above.
– Players have to bear delivery fee charged by S.F. store. We will donate the same amount of delivery fee to a non-profit organization.
– Delivery service is available and limited to S.F. store location list: https://bit.ly/2DVA7LN
– 活動日期:2019年3月1日下午6時 至 2019年3月15日下午2時
– 名額有限,參加者必須完成上述步驟,並以先到先得為準則 -參加者需承擔速遞往順豐站的運費,同時,我們亦會將相同金額的運費全數捐贈非牟利機構
– 送貨服務只適用於順豐站店舖地點,詳情:https://bit.ly/2DVA7LN
—- *Pulpage reserves the right to update these terms and conditions from time to
time in our sole discretion and without prior notice. *In the case of any dispute, Pulpage reserves the right of final decision in
connection with these terms and conditions.
*Pulpage保留隨時更新條款及細則之權利而不作另行通知 *如有任何爭議,Pulpage保留一切與本條款及細則有關的最終決定權
Revolution in Style 紙根革命
Stay tuned with us:www.pulpage.com.hk
Follow us: www.instagram.com/pulpagetissue
YouTube: http://bit.ly/2IlITIu
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